Wolt Drive WooCommerce integration (plugin)

Integrate your WordPress WooCommerce webshop with Wolt Drive by purchasing our plugin. The plugin uses Wolt Drive API to connect your shop with Wolt Drive.

How does Wolt Drive integration work?

Please watch this video for a short presentation on how the plugin works for both, the buyer and the administrator:

Installation guide

One way of installing our Wolt Drive plugin is to ask your web developer for assistance. In case, it is not an option, you can try to install yourself or we can do the installation for you. For most shops (95% of situations) the process will be very easy. It all depends on the way checkout page is coded. If it is done right, the guide below will do the job.

Time required: 1-3 hours.

Skills required: basic / no coding required.

1) You will need to provide us with API credentials which we would use to establish the connection. Your Wolt Drive representative will provide these details.
2) The plugin uses Google address API in order to ensure that the delivery address is provided reliably. For that, Google API keys will be required which can be created using your Google account. A step-by-step guide will be provided.
3) Install the plugin by uploading the .zip file through WordPress backend or using FTP.
4) Activate the plugin.
5) Adjust shipping and plugin settings for your needs.
6) Optional: for more reliable use, a Cronjob will need to be created. This can be done by contacting your hosting provider.
7) Test and confirm by eventually doing a test purchase and await Wolt Drive to arrive.
Alternatively, you can arrange a test session with Wolt Drive IT who would cancel your test order.

A more in depth guide will be provided upon plugin purchase.

If you wish to skip all these steps, we can do the installation for you for a small fee.

Will this plugin work with my WooCommerce shop?

The plugin uses WooCommerce default checkout details (name, address, apartment number, notes) for delivery. Make sure these fields are available in the checkout process. The plugin relies a lot on the system for which order status is changed (usually controlled by the payment method), make sure you are using a reliable payment method which handles the order status changes correctly. To be precise, the delivery is created once the order status changes to Processing. If this doesn’t happen, naturally, no deliveries will be created. In some situations, the status change will be done multiple times. That we do account for so that the delivery is created only the first time order status is changed to Processing. In some other situations, the change to Processing is not initiated correctly. If that is the case, make sure step 6 in the installation guide is setup. It will ensure that no Processing status orders are left hanging no matter what.

These special situations mentioned above are quite rare (about 5% of shops), but even for these situations we can always find a solution.

What challenges does Wolt Drive solve?

Your customers will appreciate how fast you do business. Wolt Drive usually delivers orders in less than one hour. Having this option as a possibility is just a great service for your customers.

In other situations, you may need additional manpower to do the deliveries and Wolt Drive can help solve this challenge as well. Note that you can enable / disable Wolt Drive shipping method at any time through WordPress dashboard.

Non-standard integrations

In-case you require a unique setup, we can provide additional functionality, adjustments or integrations with other systems. There are (almost) no limits. Please contact us for details.

Wolt Drive plugin price

Contact us for pricing either by filling out the form or using the contact details below:

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